Rallying for an event has long been a no-brainer when it comes to conveying information to a large group of people, be it in retail, in fashion, or in about any other industry. But times they are a changing, and frank agterberg/bca is there for you to make this transition a smooth operation. We were convinced that loyal clients like the authentic denim-brands Lee® and Wrangler® would be thrilled about the solution we had worked out to meet today’s requirements in communication.

For the obvious reason, the presentation of their Winter 21-22 collection could not be business as usual in 2020. Instead of flying in colleagues from around the globe and accommodating them in hotels, frank agterberg/bca went digital all the way to familiarise them with the ins and outs of the new brand directions and apparel collections of both brands. Going live from a fully equipped studio, our premium streaming platform enabled our client to reach its sales teams in a way that came with quite some extra advantages.

After accepting their online invites for the webinar, guests were ready for an incredible HD experience in which the large LED-backwall got a starring role: a fashion show with live models and a background that swiftly changed from a cosmopolitan loft into a desolate prairie, a plenary session, and workshops on accessories and special collections. High-definition recording and streaming supplied an abundance of pixels to cover the tiniest detail of the products. Contrary to mainstream platforms, nothing from the high-quality images got lost through compression… because none was used. Even better than the real thing! And still, we can reach tens to, if necessary, thousands of participants.

To some, such live webinar may at first have appeared to be a makeshift solution to live up to the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, but not so to our team of pragmatic fixers. Holding firmly to our belief that GREEN ROCKS, we have been searching the creative horizon for eco-friendly designs, ways of transport, materials and technologies for years now. Soon we noticed the true potential of live streaming, and ever since we have been embracing the necessary new tools and skills to realise that potential, benefits included.

With identity being key in marketing, the webinar was, of course, embedded in a fully branded interface, but there was more. Like the amazingly detailed rendition of products! More than worth a mention was the live insertion of remote presenters in the show. By the way, since going live for a camera is pretty different from addressing a live audience, we hired a professional coach for all speakers. To allow them full focus on their talk, a Q&A-chatroom was established where a live moderator answered questions by the viewers à la minute. Yet, there was more to be found on the bright side… Travelling expenses were cut to a minimum, as were the production costs for logistics, use of building materials for stage and set, power supply, transport, and – admittedly, a social demerit – catering. Result? A drastic reduction in CO2 emissions and waste! So, overall, the event successfully illustrated how ecological isn’t necessarily a synonym for expensive, on the contrary! As we said before, GREEN ROCKS!

For this alternative way of communication, frank agterberg/bca orchestrated the concept, script, show direction, production, Corona-testing, and much more. Content and animations were developed in close collaboration with the brands’ design teams and made the merge between creativity and new technical possibilities one of the most fun projects of the last couple of months.
A great example of how, at frank agterberg/bca, challenges trigger innovations that, in turn, will prove to be the new standard.