An important step in earning your stripes in the hostile fashion landscape is to stand out of the crowd in retail. A simple, yet smart retail concept was born by taking an authentic piece and translating it into a contemporary furniture item.
Easier said then done, we searched for the right fixtures from ‘the days of yore’ that met the technical requirements for displaying the product. After selection (and cleaning) we transformed them into contemporary pieces of art. Each fixture was painted in a single color and was unique in form and function. Interior and shelves were covered with morse code® pattern prints. Morse code® branding was applied on key areas. The drawers and cabinets can be used for additional stock of polo shirts or the morse code® silk tie… to wear it right!
Interior LED light gives the product that extra dimension which emphasizes the beautiful structure of the rich pique fabric and if you really have a close look the illumination might reveal a secret coded message to you…