15 November 2008. Although a mean cold wind blowing from over the Kattegatt was torturing Helsingborg’s harbor, frank agterberg/bca safely piloted over 400 fashion Vikings to the latest lighthouse of casual wear on the Scandinavian Peninsula. At first some citizens feared a reissue of the Battle of Helsingborg, but the occasion was of a kinder, more pleasant nature this time: lifestyle label Marc O’Polo’s directed its conquest to the southernmost part of Sweden.
Not only the usual suspects had been invited for the official opening of Marc O’Polo’s newest store: with a newspaper ad Marc ‘O Polo had invited… every reader, every passer-by. A daring yet much appreciated initiative that was topped off with a stylish evening in a sophisticated atmosphere. While enjoying some delicious finger foods, sipping from their professionally mixed cocktails and listening to relaxing music by a local jazz-club DJ, the guests made the acquaintance of Marc O’Polo’s philosophy and its key words: natural, simplicity, personality, quality and innovation. And so the clear and convincing message was easily conveyed to Helsingborg and its surroundings: the fact that Marc O’Polo is holding strong as a leading brand in premium casual wear certainly isn’t a lucky shot.